Functional Medicine

With nearly 30 years of clinical experience and continued studies of what contributes to health and disease, Dr. Shaw’s approach to Functional Medicine is to address the many challenges our daily activities have on our expression of health.

In recent decades, the United States has experienced a significant decline in overall health and a significant increase in the levels of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, autoimmunity, anxiety, and depression. All of these factors contribute to shortening lifespans.

Our health is amongst our highest values, however stressful rapid-paced lifestyles coupled with inactivity and poor diets have created the perfect opportunity to overtax human physiology and create disease.

Dr. Shaw’s approach to functional medicine considers your musculoskeletal and nervous system’s functionality. Realizing that the cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, digestive, and endocrine systems are the sum of all our parts, Dr. Shaw recognizes that inflammation of these systems is a major driver of an individual’s health disorders. 

Each individual is just that, an individual, with different lifestyles, patterns of behavior, and unique genetics which contribute to the composition of the individual. Despite all this variation, science has proven factors such as what we eat, how we move, and how we think as influences on our overall health. Beyond the foundational concepts which are often just reminders; like drinking more water, having good meals, getting rest, and exercising, we can delve deeper into the uniqueness of each individual’s health. Further discovering the individual patterns that are predisposing that individual to compromised health and vulnerability to disease. 

Dr. Shaw welcomes you to discover how natural lifestyle approaches through functional medicine may improve your health. The first step is acquiring insight and education on your health. Then, a strategy and plan needs to be defined, a roadmap to health. Finally, accountability and commitment needs to be enacted to make the changes to your health that you desire. Dr. Shaw has helped many address their health concerns through this Natural Functional Medical Approach.